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Distortion of the Essence |
We will discuss the healing process briefly today ... as all our topics are brief ... requiring depth and experience to fully delve into their richness. We will look at certain aspects of healing, knowing that this is a broad topic which can be looked at in various ways.
The real question in regards to healing is HOW we become imbalanced and in requirement of healing in the first place. There is the infamous question and study of nature vs. nurture which has been researched and philosophized since antiquity. Are we the way we are as a direct result of our acquired genetics, or are we the sum of our various choices, experiences and environments over time? We always inevitably end up in the same place: we can not overlook the effects of either. One important point remains: we are discovering, in some branches of research, that we are indeed able to affect the manifestation (and aspects of the activation of specific parts) of our DNA code by certain things we do. Look up the research yourself.
Look up, as well, the many documented cases of individuals living when they have been told they would die, healing from a labelled disease when they were told there was nothing anyone could do for them, reversing so called illnesses/diseases which they were told were incurable, and placing aside medications and prescriptions over the course of their healing process as they achieved inner/outer balance in other natural ways. You can easily find these cases for yourself with research. Many of these people have come forward and some have even written their own books as a testimony.
This directly relates to the healing process. If we can directly impact our DNA, then we can no longer give in to the ``inherited'' stories of our acquired illnesses and we are embarking into a world where our personal responsibilities for our well being are far more obvious than ever ... especially considering the fact that we are able to communicate and share information at a rate never before recorded in human history. People all over the world are coming forward and sharing their incredible personal healing journeys. We have, more than ever, both the answers and incredible opportunities to discover enlightening truths right under our nose along with a host of distortions and illusions. Sorting through these things takes wisdom and discernment. Take the time to educate and enlighten yourself.
The healing process includes the obvious considerations of mind/emotions, the physical aspects of a person and the spirit. Many of the arts I have personally experienced in my own practices share a common philosophy: that most of our imbalances originate in the mind/emotions: Yoga, Jin Shin Jyutsu (as well as many other Arts similar to this ... acupressure, Traditional Chinese medicine ... acupuncture...and so on), Kung fu and Chi Kung, Reiki..... and many others. The interesting thing is to be able to track this for yourself as it occurs in your own life.
For example, if you have ever noticed that reacting strongly to certain events creates a huge energy loss within you, you have directly experienced the beginning of the manifestation of tensions, energy shifts and changes within yourself. These internal/external reactions to certain events, situations, people etc. create tensions in the physical body ... but they are energetic first. Over time, tensions, stress and so on directly impact and interfere with the natural flows of the energetic system in our body and thus begin to alter the normal function of our organs and various systems ... like our digestive and elimination systems for example.
This is why, for example, you may feel like you have an upset stomach/bowels when you are overly excited or worried or upset in some way. Other people notice they feel jittery, hyperactive, depressed, unable to eat or sleep ... and many more physical symptoms which occur as a direct result of some sort of reaction to a life situation or an experience of some sort. Over time, our mental/emotional reactions to things (which are often internal for many of us and even out of our conscious awareness if we are not willing/able to fully BE with what we are experiencing and feeling), affect our entire being and in ways unique to our own constitutions.
There are many tools we can learn to assist us in gaining a higher level of awareness of, balance and control of our inner emotions and mental states. This is a very useful thing to learn, as it can assist us in attaining much higher levels of energy and well being. Spiritual practices are a wonderful tool in this arena as well. As we gain a level of mastery in these practical ways, we can learn to apply this in many useful ways to other aspects of our life... leading to greater levels of peace, health and abundance.
We also have to look at our choices during times of emotional/mental stresses and strains ... these choices tell us about our addictions. Most people are not aware of the many faces of addiction: food, electronic escapism (we are always outside of ourselves and in a mental world full of computers, facebook and other social medias, cell phone apps...texting, radio and TV.... on and on....we are not talking about moderation here), food, caffeine and sugar, work and career over-identification (which takes the form of unhealthy striving and lack of personal balance), alcohol, relationships, sex, thrill seeking ..... anything can become an addiction when it begins to take over our lives and distance us from what is really going on and what we are feeling. Addictions bring us further away from the personal level of balance and harmony we can attain.
Addictions show up most forcibly during times in our life when we feel most vulnerable, stressed, tired, imbalanced and ignorant to its hold on us. Our addictions are used to temporarily distract us from whatever it is that is drawing our attention and is in need of healing and assistance. Addictions often run rampant or suddenly show up after the loss of someone we love, or due to our reactions to relationship dramas and issues, work stress, family strains, loss or lack of personal vision in life and so on. Addictions lead to imbalances which can lead to eventual illness when not addressed over time.
Other times, we are in need of healing due to a direct physical reaction to an external situation like continual exposure to toxins or other substances noxious to our inner balance. We may have been involved in an accident of some sort or are born with a particular deficiency. |All of these things can also be addressed as we embark on a healing journey to discover ways to heal and attain our own highest personal level of well-being.
Once we determine how we became imbalanced in the first place, we can move forward and take the necessary steps to well-being and personal healing. There are many ways to approach healing and we would do well to look at each aspect of our lifestyle over the lifetime of our journey here: exercise; breathing patterns; diet and quality of food and drinks chosen; water; addictions; mental/emotional issues to be dealt with: personal histories and stories and patterns; personal philosophies and belief systems; spiritual interests and tendencies; energy levels....and so on. When we require assistance, it is useful to seek out professional guidance and support.
We can benefit from in depth work and consistent application of the many practical things we can learn to do .....over time. It truly is a lifestyle thing and healing is a journey that may look differently as each of us is unique. A spiritual path is also one which provides us with the tools we require to walk with personal balance in our life and to heal that which ails us on different levels. Visit the pages on our website and see how we may be able to assist you in attaining your personal best. Enjoy your journey and may you be blessed with the healing you require in whatever way is best for you.