Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is Work Painful and Difficult?

I've been asked why Work seems painful and/or difficult at times.  Since this is a common experience for people, I have posted some comments on this:

Some of the Work we do involves particular movements of the body.  When we have blockages in the flows of energies (manifesting as physical areas of body armouring or tensions or accumulations of various sorts), we may feel discomfort when we Work to release these blocked areas in our physical form.  Correcting postural imbalances and other structural issues in the physical form (which also misaligns flows of energies within), can also feel uncomfortable.  Bringing the breath deeper into the tissues when we are accustomed to being shallow breathers may also feel uncomfortable until we adjust to increasing the vitality of these areas.    

In many traditional spiritual teachings, Work is not comfortable - it is anything but.   It is rare not only to find a traditional teacher, but an individual willing/able to Work under one.   This, however, is a totally different topic for another time.  It is relevant to this blog topic only in that there are different ways in which people Work.   There is also a difference in what people consider painful and difficult.   Some, who grow quickly, are willing to experience unpleasant sensations and personal reflections.  With the correct attitude and approach and a certain inner balance and strength, they are prepared to to do extraordinary things and therefore get extraordinary results.   If one lack these qualities and is still willing and able to Work, they can be developed with consistent effort over time.

Pain is relative to the perception of the person and/or to the degree to which one pushes through something.   It is very individual.   There are also different types of sensations which we label as pain ... sensations is a much better word to use.  When we are working, we will feel different sensations in the physical body.  Remember it is energy first .... then physical.   We are also able to observe ourselves as we are moving and reflect on this as well.   We are always learning ... always moving (even when still) ...  observing ... Working to unite, feel more and to awaken more fully to All That Is.

Some of the Work we do does not directly relate to movement in one of the Arts we teach.  It is Work on cleaning our mirrors of self-reflection in other moments.   Why is this painful or difficult?   Once again, it is a very subjective thing.  For some of us, looking at ourselves as we really are - seeing the clear reflection ... compared to our image of ourselves ... can be very painful,  but that is due to a personal internal reaction to the reflection and the inner resistance to seeing what Is in this moment.  We will only see comfortably according to our personal level of Being, so stretching and pushing to see and feel more can be uncomfortable for us at different moments, depending on the person.  Our attitude and approach to the Work has an immense impact on our experience doing it.  

It is not useful to judge ourselves or another if/when they are confronted with something they perceive as difficult and embark on their own journey of battling/working through something on the inside.  We all have things which we perceive as challenging .... places inside where we'd rather not Work ... whether we're aware of them or not, there they are.   Once a reflection is seen for what it is and a real change takes place, energies have shifted and the battle/difficulty passes. 

For those who do experience parts of their journey which feel painful or difficult to them, a time may come when they approach their Work in a new way and they adjust to the fact that true growth means to look (and move) into the places which are not easy to see (or easy to get into if it's a movement); one begins to enjoy finding something to release or shift, as it represents more freed energies and further growth.   The sensations, emotions, reflections and physical discomforts ... are all now viewed/experienced in a more objective way - without the reactions, resistance, creative avoidance tactics, dramas and waste of precious energy.

Pain and difficulty are subjective experiences, and to label them generally in relation to any Work is not possible.   Every student is unique ... our perceptions and experiences differ - even when we are in the same room and doing the same thing.   This shows us how individual the Work really is.

Some qualities we cultivate which assist us in our Work include:  Persistence; dedication; inner strength and stability; passion;  fluidity/flexibility; determination; focus; willingness to learn, to see and to feel what Is; discipline; clarity; desire to Work;  and let's not forget the ability to enjoy Work and have fun along the Way!