Friday, January 14, 2011

Be Your Potential

Do you desire to live life maximizing your potential?  Are you settling for less than what you feel you are capable of?  Do you still dream?  Is it a beautiful dream ... emphasizing the unique skills and abilities you have?  Have you ever wondered .... is this all there is? 

Your potential is not what someone else says it is (or what they say it should be) ... it can be a simple quiet life of peace and ease ... it could be a successful business ... a career or path or way of being in the world which brings you contentment and fullfillment.  Settling for less than who we really are contributes a great deal to disatisfaction, restlessness, unease, unhealthiness and unhappiness.

Dreams take work.   I am not suggesting that you stand with open arms waiting for the silver platter to drop out of the sky or sit at the edge of the water waiting for your well-deserved ship to come in.   We will, however, attract the very things in life we require to make our dream a reality when we work to align ourselves with these things from the inside out. 

I am saying that each of you is unique ... special and endowed with natural talent waiting to be used - or discovered ... action is one of the keys.  It may take time to manifest the dream you can feel, see or desire.  Some dreams take longer due to the preparation and/or years of work required to make it happen.  Other dreams can manifest overnight.  It is all relative.  No one can tell you exactly how long it will take.  Sure, there are estimates and intuitives ... the bottom line is that you are the major determining factor ... do you realize this?  Do you see how you are creating all the time?  Do you like what you are creating in your life/dream right now? 

Blame not your life situation or your current circimstances.  Blame not your high pile of bills or lack of education ... motivation ... determination ... courage ... strength ...  This is what the Work is all about.  These things shift and change as we do.  ALL of it comes from the inside out.  Do you KNOW this?  Your actions will show whether you do or not, so answer quietly to yourself ... simply reflect on your life honestly.  Where could you improve: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, financially, in relationships...  etc.

Cultivate awareness of your inner dialogue and pay attention to the thoughts you entertain all day.  Pay attention to the words you use all day.  Reflect on the sort of actions you take all day.  Check it out for yourself .... Keep track of what you are noticing in a journal.  These things represent how you are on the inside.  

Now ...ask again ... are you living the life you desire?  If you see room for improvement, inner work can assist you.  Embark on the journey.  Be your potential; in every moment you have this creative potential ....  Take the steps you have to take to make it happen.  Create a better dream and reality.