Thursday, January 20, 2011

Healing and Spiritual Growth: Body, Mind and Spirit

Body mind and spirit is a common phrase - has been for a long time now.  Let us examine what this truly means and then ask ourselves where our Work currently lies.  Everything we look at points back to the same thing: Know Thyself, as the ancient Greek oracle is so famous for saying to seekers in those days.

Tools which masters, ancient healers from throughout history, and modern day mystics have taught us really point us back to ourselves.  Every true spiritual path and healer will do so.  In essence, though we do gain abilities to heal and to soothe the body, mind and emotions of others, real and lasting healing occurs within the individual and due to each person's innate ability to engage in their own healing process. 

Many people feel better after seeing a healer, counsellor, or spiritual guide; however, shortly after, going back to their ways of being and unconscious, conditioned patterns, the illness (dis-ease) can return - sometimes worse.   One of my teachers was known to have said ... I work on the person, they get better, then they come back with the same thing again soon after and they wonder why ... don't be like this ... do your Work as taught and come in for sessions ... sessions alone will not always rid you of the challenge you are working through if you do not change as a person and continue your work as you walk in life.

Those who get the message and make necessary changes are often called the medical miracles!  There are countless cases on record - check it out for yourself -  of which doctors can not explain how diseases (some even given  a terminal label) have left the patient with no trace of being there upon examination.  Remarkable recoveries and changes in personality and lifestyle (happiness, wealth, wisdom etc) occur all the time in individuals who once struggled through life with various disorders, unease, unhappiness and mental/emotional disharmonies.   If we were to interview these people (and it has been done already), we would find some interesting things about these individuals.  They made changes of some sort - some turned to spiritual practice, prayer, drastic diet changes, exercise, an altering of mental/emotional attitude and focus, visualization practices ....

We do not have to wait until we have manifested a label in order to do these changes.  We can embark on this path as a preventative measure ... to continue radiating good health and mental/emotional well-being ... and in order to evolve ourselves to higher levels spiritually - the Soul Work we have discussed in a previous blog.   Or, if we are working with a label and dis-ease of any form, we can also embark on the path to regain balance and harmony inside and out and then progress from there.

In any of the true spiritual paths, a high level of health and well-being is necessary in order to progress.  This is due to the fact that we are a particular VIBRATION OF ENERGY first ... so  if there is dis-ease and imbalance, or a negative mental/emotional state, our level of vibration and energy lowers ... this impacts our spiritual level of being.  It can take many forms: weight gain, organ removal, labels of various sorts, inappropriate behaviours, mental/emotional stress and excessive armouring on the body (which can be easily felt with training ... massage therapists feel this ... some may call it something else ... muscle tension equates to energy blocks). 

Vibrational and energy medicine, mental/emotional Work and certain spiritual practices all work together to address this fact and work on our energetic level.  The physical manifestations of this, which is our denser physical form (body), will always manifest last.  Therefore, we are energy beings first ... spirit into matter ... soul into the soul case ...  The densest part of our beings are our organs ... therefore, when we are diagnosed with a label, it really has been there much longer than we think ... impacting us first energetically ... if the disharmony/imbalance is not corrected, it progresses.

These are very basic principles ... seen in  traditional teachings of Yoga, Kung fu, Chi Kung, acupressure, acupuncture, energy vibrational medicine, shamanic healing practices from all over the world, and so on (I am not talking about the pop, diluted mainstream teachings of these).  These therapies and practices are not the airy fairy hocus pocus that some people view it as.   It is actually a very accurate, highly evolved spiritual science based on universal principles which ancient people have known far before modern medicine became so popular.

Modern medicine and science have wonderful discoveries to share with the world.   Some of their practices; however, are not as wonderful - such as the quick and easy delivery of prescriptions which may not be the best course of action, the impersonal symptom-oriented approach which often misses the story of the whole system and their lack of understanding and knowing of the energy body.   On a positive note, many doctors are now educated in the spiritual healing arts (I have met some) and they are seeing the benefits of combining the two approaches.

Once again, it is a sad fact that the two paths had not merged their truths in the past, but separated, leaving both at a loss of the benefits of each one's specialty.  This is an outward manifestation in the world which reflects our inner fragmentation as beings.   The historical significance of this is astounding, but that is another story, and not the focus of our work.  We can be sure that brighter days are upon us when the truth of this will become undeniable.  Much work in physics and other interdisciplinary studies are bridging this gap very quickly.

Body, mind/emotions and spirit.  We can not separate these aspects of our being, though, generally speaking, we often behave this way in our world ... we live in a world which has separated these things and then we wonder how to get to higher levels of well-being and ability.   This is what is meant by holistic.  Everything impacts us.  Everything is energy.  We have to look at the whole thing without losing sight of the details.  Integration is key.

At Souhl Center, our classes, counselling sessions, seminars and training embodies this teaching ... being energetic in focus without excluding the physical appearances.  We use our physical body in our practices.  This impacts us on all levels.  We clear inner blockages, clean our mirrors in order to reflect and see ourselves clearly, and we reap the physical benefits of strength, flexibility and endurance.  In our work these are the side effects (fringe benefits!) and not necessarily the primary focus ... which is INSIDE and all around us.   Looking at ourselves and Knowing Ourselves is a major focus.  We can learn much through observing ourselves moving in the arts and then throughout our day.  We also learn through observing and working through our mental/emotional patterns which lead to our behaviours and actions in the world.

We examine the air we breathe, the food (and drink) we put into our system and the impressions we receive all around us every day.  It is this last point which many of us lose track of.  Remember that since all is energy, everything we do, all environments, all people and the things they think, say and do will impact us.  How we react to all of these things also impacts us energetically first.  Raising our level of being assists us in dealing with these things ... many of which we choose to be around due to our relationships, work environments and places of residence.

So take some time ... ask yourself ... in what areas of my life do I see or feel the desire or room for improvement?  Take the step to do something about it today.