Yes, the answer is yes. Ocassionally, there are circumstance and situations which are the result of our acquaintence with or involvement with people and events which have their own sets of causes and effects. In other words, we do not have control over certain things. They are, perhaps larger than our own personal world and involve many other factors. Other times, we are the ones creating the chaos and can not see it for what it is. This takes awareness and a level of awakening too. It also takes courage to admit when we are the ones creating this sort of day for ourselves and others (who will experience the results of our behaviours).
What we do have an effect on is our own world we are co-creating all the time ... and therefore the effects of our actions we are always experiencing in the now ... whether personal, familial, work or business. It is vital for us to determine what is our response-ability and what is not.
Without awareness of our self and without the unification of our body, mind and spirit, we feel like things happen to us and around us all the time. We have even created a wonderful expression for this: ''Shit happens'' was a very popular phrase not long ago .... but sometimes used to excuse the poor behaviour of our own (and others) doing.
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Clean the mirror of self-reflection and you will see better all that is within and around you. |
There will be days when everything clicks and things just flow along. Our energy is balanced and we are able to create the sort of day that we desire.
Cleaning our mirrors of self-reflections ... seeing our selves as we really are is a major key in really succeeding in co-creating your life according to our dreams and zestful visions. It allows us to alter and adjust our selves along our way ... keeping what is working and shifting what is not.
When we are not quiet and still inside, we see ripples in our mirrors ... things are distorted and we neither hear, see, feel, act, think, respond or create with clarity and precision. We do not do what is best in the moment due to these distorted images and reflections and misuses of our energies ... then we may experience ONE OF THOSE DAYS ... if we are aware, we look at what we can do to alter things that we are response-able for and it will shift.
Sometimes we feel we have focus when what we really have going on is an improper use of focus and attention. Some of us operate with hysteria ... others apathy and depression. We sometimes operate on sugar and caffeine and/or driven mental projections. We neglect our bodies, emotions, spirits. Then we are best advised to STOP and see clearly what is needed within in order to gain balance.
Our body gives us messages ... the way our life and day is going will tell us things about ourself ... our mental/emotional states are messages ... being quiet and still will tell us things about ourselves if we really want to know them. If we listen to our self, and apply what we really need, truly, things will shift and we will feel better, and soon will be saying that these are the days of my LIFE!
If having ''one of those days'' is due to another's behaviour .... or to a larger effect - like a town or world crisis, then our part is in knowing how to respond in a way that is most beneficial to ourselves and others in that moment. Cultivate inner peace, a clean mirror and true wisdom.