Counselling; Souhl Counsel; Personal and Spiritual Growth and counselling; Kung fu, Chi Kung and Yoga classes, retreats and seminars; assistance with relationships, stress, wellness ... body, mind and spirit; energy work; Spiritual Path: Path of the Warrior, Natural Healer; Priestess/Spiritual Guide; Discover the Essence of who you are; Long-distance counselling and programs
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Our Tongue Is a Sword
When we study in this Art, there are various aspects to the Work.
Surely we are using our physical bodies and therefore gain the many benefits health-wise that this can provide. Some individuals enter various Movement Arts for this alone. This is fine if that is the only aspect one is interested in. Surely, though, there is more to us ...
We also work spiritually which some practitioners in various other Arts or disciplines of spiritual study find challenging to understand. My teacher once said that this path is for all people; however, not all people are for this path. I have found this to be very true with personal reflection and experience.
Additionally we are working on our psyche - if we Work to understand and apply to our lives the many philosophical and psyche+logical (psychological) teachings and tools we learn along the Way.
One such teaching is the teaching of one of the deeper meanings of the sword (yes, there are other meanings to the sword too). Today's blog topic discusses one tool which can assist us in the development of our psyche.
In this Art and Path, we are taught that our tongue is a sword. It is used to formulate words and we also use tones and power behind our words that come forward and vibrate into the environment around us. Some of us laugh when we recall hippies from the sixties talking about 'good vibrations' around certain people and environments. Although there were some things they did that led to their poor reputations in the eyes of some, they did pick up various practical philosophies - many of their sayings hold truths. Some of these hippies were influenced by Eastern philosophies ... but there were some who were not taken seriously with all the mind-altering drugs they did and so on. And no, I do not condone the use of drugs ... nor do the philosophies we teach. We can learn to feel good and cope with things in other ways!
So our words do vibrate into the air around us. Imagine the last time you were speaking with someone who was yelling or very angry or full of grief. Can you recall how it felt to be around them? Can you recall another instance when someone said something gently to you with kindness and affection? How did that feel? Of course - even if you are not touched physically, you can sense and feel the vibrations and intentions of someone with the use of their mouth and voice alone.
There are older stories of bards and people of power using their voices to influence things around them. You might find some of these if you look for them.
Think of a very powerful speaker. I once worked with a business mentor of mine who was very powerful with his voice. He was able to cut away 'bullshit' as well as stir up the emotions of those around him - all with his presence and voice alone. He walked into the room with such flair and presence that I would feel the energy in the room change immediately.
Think of someone with healing abilities - perhaps a therapist you have seen: massage therapist, counsellor, energy worker, a friend ... If you have ever worked with or been around someone like this, perhaps you can recall times in your experiences when something shifted within you because they were able to hold the space for you to let down your defenses and show yourself in that moment. Perhaps they said something to you in a way that touched you very deeply. We can heal when we are provided with a loving space within which we can relax and allow our innate abilities to come forward.
Yes, indeed, what we say and how we say it impacts us and others deeply ... depending on how open and receptive we are to that moment. Yes, just as you can block or learn to block with a sword, you can block or learn to block out the negative things directed at you from others ... you can also block out the positive coming your way too.
Your tongue is a sword - it can cut away all that is false. Sometimes we have to slice away at the false pretenses around us - or cut away lies, deception, dishonesty, illusions, denials, buffers, false beliefs, harmful patterns of addictions and denial ... When we do so, if others are not aware of the intent to reveal truth or to cut away at darkness, the intent may be interpreted as hurtful. If you are speaking your truth and others wish to stay boxed in illusions, pretenses and darkness, hold your sword ... use your sword ... and be prepared for the consequences if you choose to use it in this way. As always, I recommend that if someone is not open to this, you can walk away, choose another approach or simply allow them to continue to be as they are ... people will not shift even if you use your sword well ... if they are not willing or able to do so at that time.
On this Path you learn to become a warrior, a healer and a priest/priestess in your own life first. As a warrior, when we cut away at darkness, the darker aspects of people (and within ourselves when we clear out our own) will not be impressed and will holler at us and avoid us and misinterpret us and label us and judge us. When you find clarity and wisdom within yourself, hold your sword strong and use it to reveal the light.
Children are very susceptible to the use of our tongues. This is because they are more open when very young. Use care, love and caution when speaking to children. Own up to your mistakes (because we all make them, will continue to make them to various degrees and we are not perfect) and work to see the areas you can continue to improve within yourself. In my experience, children appreciate honesty and are very forgiving. Children, in my experience, do not expect us to be perfect as they grow and mature (very little children sometimes imagine we are) - they do desire us to be real and authentic ...
Some adults are very open and sensitive - like children ... so they can often feel your intent and negativity even if you do not feel you are doing anything 'wrong'. These individuals can be assisted by learning how to shield themselves while continuing to be able to sense things in others and in their environments. There is nothing wrong with being sensitive - many individuals lack this ability to be sensitive to what is around them and what is in others and themselves. This lack of sensitivity is due to the intensive armouring and buffers they have developed over their lifetime ... their own grief, pain, suffering and so on that is blocked and held tightly from consciousness and from feeling.
Use your sword wisely: cut away darkness and 'bullshit' with accurate movements and promote love, peace and healing when you find a way in. Of course, we will make mistakes as we develop discernment and wisdom.
Practice with your sword; observe the results and reflect on what is working and what is not. Cultivate patience within yourself ... patience and honesty ... look into the mirrors of self-reflection all around you in your life. Over time we can learn to master the sword.
What prevents our progress:
-- avoiding our own inner work
-- forgetting to practice the sword with awareness and reflection
-- using the sword on others before we have practiced long enough with ourselves to Know it well
-- illusions, denials, addictions, buffers and so on
What assists our progress:
-- using our sword with awareness and reflection
-- willingness to work on ourselves first
-- gaining a level of proficiency before using it on others
-- facing our own illusions, denials, addictions, buffers and so on prior to assisting others
Will you practice with your sword today? Have you done your own practice on yourself? How will you use it in the world today? Is there anything you desire to cut away? Do you know of any situations that require your gentle loving strokes?